Confirmed cases | Fatal cases
The whole pie reflects the total number of the confirmed cases in China.
Confirmed cases | Fatal cases
The whole pie reflects the total number of fatal cases in China.
Cumulative China statistics | Distribution over the provinces | Compare the provinces
Macao ▼
Afghanistan ▲▲
Albania △
Algeria ▽
Angola ▽
Aruba ▽
Austria ▲
Bahrain ▽
Barbados ▽
Belgium ▽
Belize ▽
Bermuda ▽
Bhutan ▽
Bolivia △
Bonaire, St. Eustatius & Saba ▽
Botswana ▽
Brazil ▲▲
Bulgaria △
Cambodia △
Canada ▽
Chad ▽
Chile △
China ▽
Colombia ▽
Croatia △
Cuba △
Cyprus ▽
Czechia ▲▲
Denmark ▽
Ecuador ▽
Estonia ▽
Eswatini ▽
Ethiopia △
Fiji ▽
Finland ▽
France ▽
Georgia ▽
Germany ▽
Ghana ▽
Guinea ▽
Guyana ▽
Haiti ▽
Honduras ▽
Hungary ▽
Iceland ▽
India ▽
Iran ▽
Ireland ▽
Israel △
Italy ▽
Jamaica ▽
Japan ▽
Kenya ▼
Kiribati ▽
Kosovo ▽
Latvia ▽
Lebanon ▽
Liberia ▽
Libya ▽
Lithuania ▲▲
Malawi ▽
Malaysia △
Maldives ▽
Mali ▼
Malta ▽
Mexico ▲▲
Moldova ▽
Monaco △
Mongolia ▼
Morocco ▲
Myanmar ▼
Nepal ▲▲
Niger ▽
Norway ▲
Pakistan ▼
Palau ▽
Panama ▽
Paraguay ▽
Peru △
Poland ▲▲
Portugal ▽
Qatar ▼
Réunion ▽
Romania ▽
Rwanda ▽
Samoa ▽
Serbia ▼
Singapore ▲▲
Slovakia ▲
Slovenia △
Somalia ▽
Spain ▽
Sudan ▽
Sweden ▽
Taiwan ▲
Tanzania ▽
Thailand ▽
Togo ▽
Tonga ▽
Tunisia ▽
Uganda ▽
Ukraine △
Uruguay ▽
Viet Nam ▲
Zambia ▽
Zimbabwe ▽
The green and red arrows next to the country name display the trend of the new confirmed cases during the last week.
Based on data collected by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
This website presents the very same data as the JHU’s original dashboard but from a less-panic perspective. Updated daily around 8 a.m. Central European time.
Read the Technology blog. Look at the source code: GitHub. Powered by Raku.
Created by Andrew Shitov. Twitter: @andrewshitov. Contact by e-mail.